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Showing posts from February, 2024

My understanding on different developments

 There are 3 types of Web Developments that I've worked on,  and in this blog I'll be talking about those 3 developments MERN Stack Development API Development Django Development MERN Stack Development: This is the development that can be used for Single Page Application (SPA). SPA helps in faster loading of dynamic contents performing client-side rendering. It uses AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) which does the server-side rendering in the backend so that user gets the experience of single page website rather than jumping on different pages for loading contents. React.js which is a very vast library of JavaScript is used for the frontend here. Node.js is used for server-side scripting which follows MVC (Model View Controller) structure and  MongoDB,  a NOSql document based database is used in backend. Express.js is used in backend for server-side logic and providing tools and functionalities to ease the development. API Development: Application Programming Language (AP